Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Frank's Visit - Day 5

Sadly, we have come to the last day :( Monday morning, I picked up Frank and we checked out of the hostel. From there, we traveled to the center of Santiago to see La Moneda, the presidential palace. As luck would have it, we caught a military parade and learned that in an hour, the president of Hungary would be visiting and we would get to see the president of Chile as well. To kill time, we visited an exhibit about Arica (a town in northern Chile that I will be visiting in October), which was very informative and cool. After we finished that, we ran back to the palace just in time to see La Presidenta greet the president of Hungary and walk into La Moneda. Very cool! I don't think I've even seen the US president in person, so I was pretty excited. After that, we went to Domino's one last time for lunch. It was wonderful, as usual.
After lunch, we visited Cerro Santa Lucia, the place where the city of Santiago was founded by Pedro de Valdivia. It was my first time there as well, and it was very beautiful. It was just nice to walk around, and we found a tour guide in one of the stray dogs who literally led us around the park (there's a picture coming). From there, we picked up Frank's luggage and headed to the airport. It was a sad parting, but we had great memories from this weekend and are happy that we are half way done!

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