Monday, August 11, 2008


So, it turns out that Chile has decided to broadcast the Olympic games live...which means, with the time difference between here and Beijing, I could watch the Olympics at 2am, if I wanted to. YouTube, here I come!! Seriously, we did get a chance to watch Chile beat China in tennis (the favorite sport here) and lose to France or something in fencing (it was a really close match, though). I also got to see part of the opening ceremony, which was really cool.

Saturday was a sleeping day :) followed by a trip to Cerro San Cristobal. This is a hill/park that has a beautiful Japanese garden (curtesy of the Japanese government), walking trails, a playground for children, a telefĂ©rico (you get to ride up the huge hill in little cars on pulleys...I know they have them at like disney land and stuff, but I can´t think of the English will be coming soon, and you´ll know what I´m talking about), and culminated by a gigantic statue of the Virgin Mary, the protectress of Santiago. As I said, pictures will be coming. All in all, it was a lot of fun and I got to cross yet another goal off my list of places to see while I´m here.

Sunday I went to church and got to sing/chant for Matins and Liturgy. I got such a kick out of that, because I had never chanted in Spanish before, and it was so cool. I do have a lot more sympathy for people who are chanting in their second language, and really realize the importance of practicing before hand. Following that, I talked to Marjorie, one of the college students there, who invited me to come with her next Sunday to help with Sunday school :) I´m liking this parish!!

Well, right now I´m on campus waiting for my 1:30 class (it´s 12:30). I came early (11) to try to sign up for the poetry class I really wanted. Unfortunately, I was second in line - the person in front of me took the last spot. Talk about frustrating! Whatever, I ended up in the same class with a different professor, hunted around for his secretary to make me a copy of the syllabus, and put my order in for photocopies (they´ll be ready by 2:00). It looks like a relatively similar syllabus. Less group work (which I actually like better), but it completely skips anything prior to the XIX century, which is a little bit of a bummer. Oh well, as they say here in Chile, AsĂ­ son las cosas. Such is life.

When I get home tonight, I will upload pictures from San Cristobal. There´re like 100 of them, so I actually may be uploading them to a different website and putting the link make it a little easier to read. Hope all is well. Thanks for the emails!! I love them :) Until next time!!

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