As promised, here are pictures from our trip to La Moneda (to clarify, the descriptions of the photos are underneath the corresponding photo; sometimes it is unclear):

This is a picture of the back of La Moneda, with a newly erected Star that represents something...

Here is a statue of Bernardo O'Higgins, the liberator of Chile from the Spanish Crown

Same guy, though with head shots of some of our group members (that's our tutor on the right)

A tower that I think has something to do with the Department of Education...

A gift from the Colombian delegation in front of Bernardo O'Higgins statue

Manuel Bulnes...some other famous guy (I think he worked with O'Higgins)

A fountain in front of La Moneda

The front of La Moneda, complete with
carabineros (presidential police)

Salvador Allende, the democratically elected socialist president who was overthrown by the Augusto Pinochet and the military in the Coup of 1973. Apparently, there was a lot of controversy as to where to place this statue. It is currently off to the side of the front plaza.

I liked the fountains in this one (I don't know who the statue is of)

This is a cool water effect on the walls leading down to the cultural center

Translation: La Moneda Palace Cultural Center

Huge poster dedicated to Salvador Allende, the current focus of the center's changing exhibits

Folk art!!!

More folk art...

Another shot of the poster to Allende

Pretty picture of Lituania (none of us could figure out what it was doing there)

In case you didn't catch it the first two times...folk art!!

Haha...yes, more folk art (at least a different medium this time)

Some guy in a boat in the south of Chile

No one is really sure what this is, but it looked neat (we're guessing Japanese WWII, but have no idea what it's doing there)

The presidential seal

Hmmm...not sure, but it looks impressive!
That's all for now, more coming tomorrow!!
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